3D Dynamic Focus CO2 RF Laser Marking & Cutting Machine
3D dynamic focus laser marking & engraving & cutting machine is equipped with 200W high laser power CO2 RF laser tube from America with high precision.
Do you want to make a few DIY'd Christmas ornaments with a CO2 laser cutter, check out the video of laser cutting 3D wood Christmas decorations of 2019.
Do you want to make a few DIY'd Christmas decorations with a CO2 laser cutter, check out the video of laser cutting 3D wood Christmas ornaments, which will be a good reference to buy an affordable CO2 laser cutting machine. Except for wood, a CO2 laser cutter can also cut Christmas ornaments of MDF, plywood, acrylic, foam, paper, fabric, leather and other materials.Merry
Christmas 2019, STYLECNC with you.
To get the first-hand videos of CO2 laser cutters, please subscribe for our Youtube channel. We will keep updating new CO2 laser cutting machine for Christmas decorations videos.
3D dynamic focus laser marking & engraving & cutting machine is equipped with 200W high laser power CO2 RF laser tube from America with high precision.
It's difficult to adjust focal length for CO2 metal and nonmetal laser cutter for a beginner, so we make a tutorial video to help you to learn how to adjust.
1000W rectangular tube laser cutting machine is used for one-time cutting and forming of rectangular tubes, round tubes, square tubes and special-shaped tubes.