CNC Tangential Oscillating Knife Cutter for Polymers

Last Updated: 2022-02-28 14:13:33 By Claire with 1070 Views

CNC tangential oscillating knife cutting machine can process a wide range of materials including flexible polymers, graphic foam boards, closed cell foam, plastic-covered foam, corrugated cardboard and plastic, gasket materials, rubber, cork, carpet, felt, fabric, and vinyl.

CNC Tangential Oscillating Knife Cutter for Polymers
4.9 (36)

Video Description

Oscillating Tangential Knife

The Oscillating Tangential knife is designed to provide high accuracy cutting of a wide range of semi rigid materials. Blade oscillation and tangential control ensures that the cutting blade delivers accurate cuts even on thicker materials without excessive over cut. The Oscillating knife is available with a wide range of blade lengths and attack angles, to suit a wide variety of materials.

Heavy Duty Collet Drag Knife

This is a heavy duty drag knife system that will fit into a standard 13/16” collet. It will work with all 5 and 10 HP spindles (Elte or HSD). This robust knife design features Exacto style blades available in many sizes and strengths. Built in swivel for high performance but can use heavy pressures. Integrated pressure foot with adjustable tension to hold down materials under heavy cut pressures. The heavy duty drag knife is designed for knife cutting applications that involve heavy gauge flexible materials.

Multi Purpose Tangential Knife

The Tangential Knife adds the robustness needed for heavier knife cutting applications than the vinyl knife can accommodate. A selection of optional interchangeable cartridges are available which can accommodate standard knife blades as well as pizza wheel cutters, creasing wheels and 45° blades. The tangential knife can be used for cutting styrene, composites, duct liner, X-board and many other materials.

Vinyl Knife Head

Used for large format vinyl cutting, cutting paper mask on acrylic sheets for painting, and for cutting sand blast mask. It may also be used for cutting vinyl on flex faced and vacuum formed pan signs. The vinyl cutting knife can easily be attached to any Z axis and as an added bonus, doubles as an effective pen plotter. Plotting pens and blades included.

Tangential Knife Cartridge for Box Cutter Blades

The box cutter cartridge holds straight, multi purpose blades suitable for cutting a wide variety of materials from thin polyester film to thick card and foam board.

Tangential Knife Cartridge for 45° Blades

This tangential knife cartridge is specially designed to hold knife blades at a 45° angle and can be used to create ‘V’ cuts in materials such as Xanita, Reboard and others.

Tangential Knife Cartridge for Creasing Wheels

The creasing wheel cartridge can be fitted with a range of different sized and profiled creasing wheels for use in sample making applications. The creasing wheels which are sold separately are easily interchanged using a precision push fit mechanism.

Tangential Knife Cartridge for Saber Blade

The saber blade is a robust and multi purpose tool ideal for cutting hard materials such as laminates, Styrene, Sintra and similar up to about 1/16” thick.

Tangential Knife Cartridge for Pizza Wheel

This cartridge allows the use of a rotary ‘Pizza Wheel’ blade which is ideal for cutting tough or abrasive materials such as gasket.

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